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The injuries are mounting
Posted by dheun
5/8/2009  7:18:00 AM
Those of us who enjoy watching Dancing With the Stars or similar competitions are noticing that several celebrities or pros are suffering injuries. This is to be expected in any sport or art form that uses the body, particularly the knees and legs, so extensively.
I have two questions. First, does anyone think these celebrities are getting thrown into something way over their heads, in terms of the training regimen for this competition?
And second, as I get longer in the tooth, I see friends in their late 50s and early 60s having hips and knees replaced and such. I am noticing more soreness in those regions, of course, but remain intact pretty well. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate some of this, and keep these old wheels rolling along?

Re: The injuries are mounting
Posted by kaiara
5/8/2009  10:02:00 AM
I'm not a competitor but having come from injuries in other activities, I found the combination of a chiropractor, a trainer at the gym, and plenty of ice went a long way to helping me continue to dance without recourse to knee replacement. So far it is working, with the addition of a nice stretchy brace for support while dancing, and a couple of diet changes which decreased my body's tendency to inflammation.

I've a friend who recently replaced both knees and it seems to have been a good choice so that he could keep on dancing.

What channel has Dancing with the Stars?

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